meet Molly M. Dooley
molly’s credentials and philosophy
licensed clinical practicing counselor (Lcpc) - clinical license 180.013532 - pronouns (she/her/hers)
My role as a therapist is to help clients create an awareness of themselves by examining both the mind and body. I work with clients to understand and challenge the thoughts, actions, and emotions that cause distress. I also invite clients to develop insight into understanding themselves on a deeper level.
My clinical experience ranging from the hospital setting to outpatient therapy has allowed me to work with individuals with trauma, complex family dynamics , perinatal mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and depressive disorders.
I particularly find interest in working with clients living with chronic health issues, and those in their journey finding balance in professional and home life.
My therapeutic style is holistic and empathic. I use humor and gentle confrontation in my work with clients. Some of my intersecting identities are:
I am an East Coast native - wife - mother of two- endometriosis fighter - passionate about women’s health - I am an ally and advocate to chronic illness warriors and the LGTBQ community.
molly’s areas of focus:
Depression-anxiety - perinatal-disorders - perfectionist/over achieving tendencies - self-esteem recovery - break-up recovery
molly’s approach:
Mindfulness-based - cognitive behavioral therapy - dialectical behavioral therapy - RELATIONAL - Solution-focused
DePaul University 2015:
Masters of education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
OUR approach to therapy
integrative — collaborative — inclusive
Ready to talk?
Feel free to email me at or fill out the form.